
„Orana“ (Maxime Rey-Camet, Amélie Raffenaud, Jeff Sebrechts, 2004, 9½ min)

Visų pirma, tai norėčiau pasidalinti vienu iš savo šių dienų atradimų. Atradimas, žinoma, piratinis :) be to, reikia registruotis - surrealmoviez. Uploadina ten chebra ką netingi, daugiausiai pilną metrą, bet per dieną 1-2 worth watching shortai atsiranda. Šiandien, pvz., mielai pažiūrėjau P. Karwas'o „Masks“ ir trijų studentų iš Prancūzijos „Orana“.
Apie pastarąjį ir pakalbėkime. Žodis „Orana“, įvairių google šaltinių duomenimis reiškia nuo „Sveiki“ iki „mėnulis Australijoje“ (akimis permečiau, tingėjau gilintis). Ir pasakoti, tiesą sakant, jau tingiu:

"Orana is a very interesting film with an original look. This African tale evokes the meeting between two characters with different means of communication: one gestural, one musical. Thanks to their broadmindedness, they will bridge their differences and create a new means of communication: The Dance.
Inspired by the masks and the culture of Africa, these mysterious characters evolve at the rhythm of original music, in a dry and arid land, where water is nothing but a distant memory.
Orana was produced in 9 months by 3 french students at ETPA multimedia school in Toulouse (southern france). We wanted to create a movie with friendly environments, where the African tribal music takes a significant place, as much on the soundtrack as on the actual story.
One of the principal characters, Sarhaan, a desert hermit uses music as his principal means of communication. He has didgeridoo as well as a djarbooka (sort of djembe) to communicate, so we integrated the sound effects of the character in the music. This makes the whole film very interactive. (...)
The intro scene was done by Maxime. It explains the story of the village, which occured a long time ago. We chose to make it in 2D in order to better differentiate the past from the present. (...)
This project was a very interesting and hard experience. During production, we took no Week-ends and all free time was put into the project. But we have no regrets." (Jeff Sebrechts on animwatch.com)

Sarhaan is a desert hermit who uses music as his principal means of communication. "He has didgeridoo as well as a djarbooka." (Source: Animwatch)
He was expelled from the village by the chief, Haidar, who thought the music could be a bad omen.
Time passes. Oni, the son of Haidar is ill. He needs cure and above all, some water.
Maalik is the sorcerer of the village: his efforts to make it rain and heal Oni yield no results as of now...
And so the story goes, but you should better watch the movie to see how it ends...

Bla, bla. Žodžiu, retai man patinka kompiuteriniai animaciniai filmukai, o šitas pasirodė gražus. Galbūt tiesiog senstu.

Uploaded by maxrey

PS. kalbant apie piratavimą, tai nieko tokio čia nebuvo. Jei patiko, Oraną laisvai siųskis iš čia - orana.free.fr

2 komentarai:

Anonimiškas rašė...

O kodėl tau nepatinka kompiuteriniai animaciniai shortai? Per mažai darbo įdėta ar tiesiog šiaip?

Man tai ne visi, bet didelė dalis kompiuterinių tiesiog gražūs ir smagūs. O pieštiniai rankomis vėl savotiški - man tiesiog gyvesni.

Žiūriu žiūriu tuos multikus ir galvoju, kad, matyt, niekada aš jų neperžiūrėsiu iki galo tavo bloge :/

septyni rašė...

ai, visų pirma, tai kompiuterinė animacija man asocijuojasi su blogiu Pixar.
o toliau, galėčiau plėstis šia tema, bet nenoriu :)

dėl peržiūros, tai peržiūrėk, nu :)